If you want to install pgAdmin on your own machine go to https://www.pgadmin.org/download/ and download the version for your OS and install it.
As database servers are not designed to be directly exposed to the internet if you want to connect from anywhere other than a UEA machine you will need to use the universities VPN, this includes laptops on the Wi-Fi as these are on an isolated network.
Details on installing and starting the VPN can be found at https://my.uea.ac.uk/divisions/it-and-computing-services/service-catalogue/network-and-telephony-services/vpn
You need to start the VPN every time you want to connect to the database using pgAdmin, or any Python/nodeJS/Java code you write.
Once you’ve finished working you can disconnect the VPN until you next want to use the database.
If you’re on a lab machine you can find PGAdmin 4 in the start menu.
If this is the first time, you'll be asked to create a new master password.
As there is nothing confidential being stored in here you can use something simple.
The settings are either stored on your machine, it it’s installed on your own device, or on your network storage on a lab machine.
Your query history is stored in these settings, so if you forget the password there is no way of recovering this.
After entering a password you'll see the same PG Admin interface as on the server and the lab notes.
This should be the same as in the lab sheet, but another version is included here.
Click on the server node in the left hand view, then either right-click or user the object menu to select Register>Server...
Enter a name for the connection, this is just for your reference, then click on the 'Connection' tab.
Change/fill in the following fields.
It’s best to type these manually as any extra spaces before or after are hard to see and will cause connection errors, copying and pasting can add these.
Host name/address: cmpstudb-01.cmp.uea.ac.uk
Username: This is your normal UEA username, without the @uea.ac.uk part.
Password: This is the one in the account setup email you received.
Save Password?: Tick this to store the password in PG Admin.
Click 'Save' at the bottom right of the dialog box and it will try to connect.
When you've finished the lab make sure you close pgAdmin 4 before logging off.
If you fail to do this, then your settings will not be saved correctly, and your query history may be lost.
I'd recommend keeping any important queries should be kept in a text file or other document for safety.